One of the key principles of scrum theory, we use tools like trello, jira, slack, skype and create a collaborative team to make it transparent.
We try to automate the pratices as much as possible. Devops is great advantage when it comes to deliveries to make it hassle free and quick deployment time.
We understand the important of your product Idea and maintain the secrecy of the same. Before you start we make sure the NDA is accepted and exchanged.
We value your time and give you one go to person to manage your product as product manager. Need not to run to multiple teams to manage your product.
We follow standard coding practices, code comments, api documentations and run code reviews to deliver a quality maintainable code.
Our core project managed team has more than 8 years experience in practicing agile. We follow scrum as go to approach but we do not restrict our process to a box approach.
JAM stack, the modern architecture for CMS
Javascript, API's and Markup abbreviated as JAM stack. JAM stack is a replacement of dynamic content based sites which renders static contents using server side rendering. JAM stack on the other hand uses headless CMS and a site generator to featch staic data at compile time and generate static page and completely remove the use of server side rending or use of web servers . Choose JAM statck when:
Great for Static websites
JAM stack is great for static websites that doesnt need frequent changes but want to use the power of modern Jascript programming paradigm for a better managed code. JAM stack is fast & cost effective.
Best for websites with limited content changes, Blogs, Forums,Staic Websites
JAM stack is a perfect choice for static sites, blogging and dynamic sites that need content writing, reviewing & publishing framework but doesnt needs two binding or real time data. JAM stack is secure and can reduce the server costing.